58 Mayfield Terrace, Ormond Beach, FL 32174

(386) 679-7300          ChristCenter2U@gmail.com


You can email us your prayer requests at:


Our Ministry is being expanded now to include an emphasis on children.  We are focusing on:

-Praying for children to be healed

-Teaching some children how to pray for healing

-Lessons for children: worshipping God through song and dance

-Counseling, inner healing and deliverance of foster parents and their children. Ministering to foster families together in a relaxed campground setting


This is the most important message you will ever receive from me:

Thank you for persevering with me.  I have suffered several afflictions in the past 6 years, including cancer in my prostate and bladder. Thank you Jesus my cancer is healed. God’s Word promises to heal all my sicknesses and diseases and you all have the same promises of God for healing.

You are invited to be a part of a new awakening of dramatic signs and wonders, as the fire of the Holy Spirit is poured out.  Please see the attached flier for July 5, 6 & 7.  This awakening  Revival of miracles will feature little children praying for your healing.  Their prayers are from a sincere heart of love.  We pray that you will come to witness and help us.  Will you pray for a revival of our nation through the heartfelt  prayers of little children?  They will be saluting our flag and singing “God Bless America”.

We need your help.  Please pray daily for the success of this revival.

If you would like to furnish a children’s T-shirt for this revival, please donate $21 for one shirt or $100 for five shirts to the Christian Healing Center. Look for more information about this revival.   If you want to help during this event, please volunteer to serve on one or all 3 days.

Why are we doing this?


We have a lack of family units in this country. There are more single households than married ones.  Children are the future leaders of this nation.  Many children are abandoned, some are beaten, sexually molested and hurting so deeply that they need a place of safety.

We tell the children: You were chosen to be born for this  time in the world. We explain why their lives matter.  Jesus loves you and has forgiven you for all your sins.  We anoint them and pray for the Father’s blessings through the HOLY SPIRIT.  We give them Bible verses that help them heal their wounded souls.
We pray for the children to feel the love of God! They do!  (FIRST).  Please pray daily for these precious children.  God Bless You.

Shalom, Arise, Shine for your light has come.  Isaiah 60:1

Daniel Gardner Murray, Director

click the following link to see the flyer for the Revival 2024:

Flyer Revival July pdf


A little child shall become one thousand. A small one a  strong nation.  I, the Lord, shall hasten it in its time.    Isaiah 60: 22

Jesus told us that we must become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Let’s examine what that means.  How does a grown man or woman become like a child?

Babies and young children respond to love from their mother and father.  Why do they crave their attention, their help?  They cry out for their food and need to feel the parent’s presence.  The parents’ presence is critical to their happy development through childhood.

As children grow older, they suffer hurts.  Also, they are trying to decide who they are.  The very dependent close relationship they had when they were small is missing because they are coping with their life. What happens to us as we age.  All of us are born with a self-centered attitude, and an inherited sin nature from Adam.  We are focusing on our thoughts and emotions.

I saw it in our children as they fought over toys.  Saying:  “MINE” as they aggressively yanked a toy  from their brother’s hands.  Little young children know they need their parents.  As they grow up,  they think differently.  They are not kingdom minded.  They are lost in the natural world of iPhone, iPad and sex.   Life is not about giving up on our world of today. No!  It is about living in the world based on the Word of God, calling on the name of Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our path in life.  Sadly, the churches don’t teach them all of 3 steeps into God’s kingdom.

Like many people today, I had a traumatic childhood and suffered from rejection and persecution.

But that ended after I gave my life to Jesus, especially after I fully surrendered my life to Him.  I cast all my cares on Jesus.  I seek wisdom, knowledge, and love from the Holy Spirit. You must pray a lot , tell the Father what you need in Jesus’ name and confidently expect to receive it.  Practice being grateful as you patiently wait on Him.  I asked God:  How will all the children ministries happen.  He led me to Isaiah 45:

  • He will hold me with His right hand to subdue nations before me and to loosen the loins of kings to open doors before me so that the gate cannot be shut. He will go before me and make the crooked places straight.  And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places.

Daniel G. Murray

Children need love.  Some have never felt God’s love

Many children today need your help.  Not only foster children but also adopted children and orphans.  Many parents were raised without experiencing the love of a father and mother.  God loves every one of His children.  He created us with different cultures, and unique colors.  We will be inviting all children and parents of all races to come together in unity, so they realize how much Jesus loves them.  Our ministry, centered on the love of God is to broadcast the good news, heal the broken hearted and free the captives from the hurts and traumas of the past.  We love children and we will do our best to redeem their souls.

The Christian Healing Center loves children.  We have been teaching children how to pray effectively for healing for the last eighteen months.  We also have witnessed the power of children worshiping God through songs and dance.  God tells us in Isaiah 11: 6 “a little child shall lead them”.  Children naturally love God in a way that we sometimes lose when we are hurt or abandoned.  This is especially true of foster children.  Some of them are abandoned at birth and never felt the loving touch of their parents.


Help Us Bring Healing and Hope! Many people are in need of healing in their bodies, souls and minds. Join us in God’s plan for man by becoming a BLESSED one-time or monthly donor. All gifts are tax-deductible and are designated for the continued operation of the Christian Healing Center and its ministries.



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You may send your gift to     (386) 679-7300  ChristCenter2U@gmail.com






You may send your gift to
(386) 679-7300

Visit our channel on Youtube.com and see our Revival 2020 healings:

Go to youtube.com, search for Daniel G. Murray and click on  "D"

Or click the link below


Call (386) 679-7300 today to schedule your Healing Prayer appointment!



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A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling Toll-free within the State.  Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State.


Healing Prayer
Healing Prayer




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Visit our other ministries: ShalomHealingHome.org 

Copyright 2010-2018 Christian Healing Center, Inc.