His 25 years of teaching healing has helped Daniel develop a more spiritual way to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. He has realized that everything that our Father God does is always based on His infinite, sincere love for each one of us. The disciples walked with Jesus for three and a half years. When Jesus died they were alone and fearful. Their hearts were broken! .
How many of you are going through loneliness and broken hearts?
However, they gathered together in the upper room and worshipped God in a continual unity of praise and worship. Unified prayer and heartfelt worship brought them the love, breath and the fire of God's Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Jesus is not walking on the earth now but He has sent you a comforter, a counselor and an advocate. The Holy Spirit is our helper and His number one job is to fill us with the love of God.
LOVE is the power of God in action. You will learn how to surrender your pride and humble yourselves so Jesus can live in your body as a beautiful temple of God. More beautiful than Solomon's temple because your spirit becomes an eternal temple that cannot be destroyed. It is in meditating on the Word and promises of God that fills our being with a hunger for more of His love in our lives.
Daniel will explain how to be filled with the Father's love so you can share it with others. It is a spiritual heart of compassion and love that heals our traumas and our broken hearts. Learn how to exercise your spiritual hearts of love!
First class will be announced soon.
Your study assignment for the first class is to speak out loud the words of
Psalm 1 verses 1 to 3..
Living Faith World Ministries located at
950 Derbyshire Rd. Daytona Beach FL 32117.
To reserve your place. Email us today at [email protected]
Love and Joy are contagious for those in love with Jesus.
Who We are and What We Do
We are dedicated to asking Jesus to heal all those that ask for healing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of their lives. Our Ministry of healing has evolved into a ministry focusing on the love of children. We trained children in 2019-2020 how to use the Words of God to heal others. We also led them to focus their love of God in worship songs, flags, and dance. We featured children at our revival for two weeks in November 2020. They were awesome! The children have become the most important part of our prayer ministry now. Yes, we still pray for people and we hold a miracle healing service every Thursday evening at my home, 58 Mayfield Terrace, Ormond Beach, FL 32174.
What is the VISION for our Christian Healing Center ministry now?
a- Children
1- Foster children and their parents, orphans, abandoned, abused children.
b- Training children
1- Prayers for healing using the Word of God, praising God with songs, worshiping God through song, dance and flags.
c- Regular Healing day service every week
1- Bible Study, teaching, healing prayers. Ormond Beach, FL
d- Help other communities start Healing Centers
Quince de Enero- Honduras has a Healing Center now, and two other villages are asking us to help them start a healing center. We helped start Christian Healing Center in Naples, FL. several years ago and during the Spring 2021.
We featured God’s children at our November revival at Pierson. They sang and danced; their hearts full of God’s love. We started training them the fall of 2019 and through 2020. Many people were healed as the children even commanded the unclean spirits to get out. (Matthew 10: 1) Children are the most important aspect of our Christian Healing Ministry now. Their hearts of love reach out with a confident hope. They expect Jesus to heal as they pray using God’s Word of promise. Isaiah 11:6 says”, “A little child shall lead them” They are the future generation of hope, truly express God’s love for others. As our children prayed at our November 2020 Revival, we witnessed: Legs grew out, diabetes was healed, new pancreas, deliverance of evil spirits, new thyroids, eyes healed, hearing restored.
What is our major focus for children ministry in 2021?
Foster parents and their children.
A lot of foster parents help care for foster children primarily for the money. Many foster parents come from hurting homes. They need healing!! Hurting people hurt others! Our Lord in His wisdom has connected us with Stephen and Sandra Hogue. They live in Ormond Beach, Florida with 10 foster children. Stephen published a wonderful book titled: “We Said Yes!” As I read their story, a major theme is seen. Their love for children was so evident in their patience and compassion for the emotional needs of their children. Oh Yes, they became angry at times and had many trials, but through it all their love prevailed. Foster parents can learn a lot by reading their story. We will bring foster parents and their children together where we will use Counseling, Bible Study and Healing Prayers to free both Foster parents and their children from their past hurts. Set the captives free from their broken hearts.
Our Vision
Many as you know, our ministry has a heart for children. Daniel started praying for children in 2009 in Honduras. He has taught children ages 2 to 14 how to pray for others. He has witnessed them pray and watch as Jesus healed many people in their village. Three Villages have been changed by their children.
One morning as I had coffee with Jesus, I asked for His help to provide everything needed or a new children’s ministry. He gave me a vision of a campground with cabins, a swimming pool, a large building for fellowship, food and Bible study, a chapel and a play, exercise area. Initially, the focus will be on foster children and foster parents. We will also pray for both parents and the children together and individually. Inner healing is needed to heal their broken hearts and heal their hurts. We will also minister to other abused, abandoned, hurting children.
Please check our Event web page for calendar events.
Prayers needed? Send your prayer requests to our email: [email protected]. Interested in helping serve? Email us!!
If you need inner healing or deliverance, please fill out our intake form in the “Prayer” section of this website www.ChristHealsUs.com
Questions? Please call Daniel Murray at (386) 679-7300
The Christian Healing Center organization began forming in 2003 when our Director, Daniel Murray started training prayer ministers using The School of Healing Prayer. The training uses the videos and manuals from Francis and Judith McNutt's Christian Healing Ministries (CHM) located in Jacksonville Florida. CHM was founded in 1981. Their ministry is over 35 years old. They teach us to: Listen, Love and Pray and emphasis the LOVE of God. Daniel Murray is a member of The International Order of St. Luke the physician. He has has been involved in International healing missions to Honduras and the Bahamas for over 15 years. Daniel has also served as a prayer minister with Andrew Wommack in Florida.
We welcome inquires about the School of Healing Prayer. If you have a caring and compassionate heart and would like to learn how to pray more effectively using God's word, please contact us at (386) 679-7300.
Jesus has already paid the price for you to be healed... ”By His wounds you have been healed”. See I Peter 2:24
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed."

Daniel G. Murray- Founder/Director
Daniel is the Founder and Director of the Christian Healing Center, a 501(c)(3), located at 58 Mayfield Terrace, Ormond Beach, Florida. His ministry is focused on the complete LOVE OF JESUS.
Daniel has had the honor of witnessing Jesus bring healing of cancer, scoliosis, paralysis, asthma; and, many other diseases, throughout the nations. He has authored a book titled "Help Me Jesus" that is about asking Jesus to heal. He, and the other prayer Ministers, have taught the School of Healing Prayer at the Christian Healing Center for the past 15 years. Many of their graduates have begun healing services at other churches, while some, throughout Florida, have started their own Christian Healing Center. Beginning in September, 2020, Daniel has a prayer line radio program, that streams world wide, on WAPN radio 91.5 FM in Holly Hill, Florida every FIRST and THIRD Sunday of the month, from 8 to 9 am. During the program, Daniel will celebrate the bread and wine of Jesus with yuo and help you remember what communion is for.
Daniel is a graduate of the University of Georgia in Food Sciences. Daniel is also a retired Major in the United States Air Force. He is the former President and Chairman of the Board of Research and Development Associates, which is a joint Military Civilian task force that developed the MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat); and other feeding systems, for all of the United States Armed Forces. During his time of service, he was awarded a Certificate of Patriotic Civilian Service. He has served as Vice President of Marketing and R&D for a division of Fleischmann’s. Daniel, also, holds several patents.