Jesus healings
Unleash the Miraculous! Join the
End Time Glory Light Revival - Arise
Miracles, Signs & Wonders on
July 5, 6 & 7, 2024!"
Bring your children and grandchildren. They will receive healing and blessings!
Daniel was on WAPN Radio with Pastor Barhoo and Prayer Warriors from Faith Alive Ministries of Daytona Beach on Monday, November 1st. The Holy Spirit was poured out as we claimed the promises of God. When two or more are gathered in His name we shall receive what we have asked for! Our God is a faithful God!
Daniel announced that a woman listening had the issue of blood. She called in minutes later and said she could not stop bleeding from an operation she had for cancer. Daniel asked Jesus to fill her with the Love of God and she acknowledged that she was receiving God’s love! We cursed the root of her cancer just like Jesus cursed the root of the fig tree. We commanded all of the cancer cells to wither and die and cast them out of her body.
Then we asked her to close her eyes and imagine Jesus standing in front of her wearing His prayer shawl. Daniel then said: “Reach out and touch the fringes on His prayer shawl.” She did and then Daniel declared: “The bleeding has stopped!” She declared: “Yes the bleeding has stopped!” WOW Thank you Jesus for your gift of healing!!!
1120 Saul Rd. Pierson, FL 32180
Please come and find out what God
wants you to do for His children
As many as you know, our ministry has a heart for children. Daniel started praying for children in 2009 in Honduras. He has taught children ages 2 to 14 how to pray for others. He has witnessed them pray and watch as Jesus healed people in their village. Three villages have been changes by children.
On morning as I had coffee with Jesus, I asked for His help to provide everything needed for a new children's ministry. He gave me a vision of a campground with cabins, a swimming pool, a large building for fellowship, food and and Bible study, a chapel and a play, exercise area. Initially, the focus will be on foster children and foster parents. We will pray for both parents and the children together and individually. Inner healing is needed to heal their broken hearts and heal their hurts. We will minister to other abused, abandoned, hurting children.
For more information, please call (386) 679-7300
Visit our channel on and see our Revival 2020 healings:
Go to, search for Daniel G. Murray and click on "D"
copy and paste in your browser the link below
Click the link below to listen the service at the
Christian Healing Service of Naples, Fl. May 12, 2021
"The Infinite Love of Jesus"