Become An Intercessory Prayer Minister
What is Intercessory Prayer?
What would it be like to pray the perfect will of God? Intercessory prayer is a gift from the Holy Spirit that allows you to prevail in compassionate prayer on someone else's behalf motivated solely by the heart of God and love. Intercession is praying with the real hope and real intent that God would step in and act for the positive advancement of some specific other person(s) or some specific need of others.
An intercessor sees God’s heart for the person. This is powerful. When you actually feel the love God has for another person and that’s where you pray from instead of your own person feelings about someone else. It’s where you transform from your own desires to the desires of someone in need of God’s help.
Anyone can pray for others and step in with God on their behalf. But some people are gifted at prayers of intercession. They have an ear and a passion for the needs of others, and take them before God. They have a heart felt burden for that person. They persevere in prayer. And when word of results comes, they celebrate and are joyful about it. If that sounds like you, then you may be a gifted intercessor.
Unlike the gift of healing, miracles and prophecy, intercession often happens quietly behind the scenes. God reveals truths to intercessors to prompt them to pray. They have divine insight and wisdom in order to know what exactly to pray for. Intercessory prayer usually moves alongside many other spiritual gifts. Mercy is usually at work when we’re praying out of compassion for someone’s healing or deliverance.
If you have, or think you have the gift of intercessory prayer, please fill out the form below. We would love to have you on our team.