Are you suffering from pain, disease, emotional or physical trauma? The Christian Healing Center offers sessions with two or three of our trained volunteer prayer ministers. Schedule your prayer appointment today! We have seen multiple hundreds of people healed, saved and delivered through our prayer
Your First Visit With Us
If you are coming in for your first prayer session, you will need to complete our Healing Center Intake form found at the bottom of this page. This will help us to target your inner needs. All the information on this form is confidential.
God's word promises to heal us. When we minister to you, we will use the Word of God to effect healing and wholeness.
What Happens When You Come For Prayer
After your prayer session, we will teach you how to keep your healing. Please keep in mind that we are not a counseling center. Because God's word does the work, we are His prayers intercessors. The Holy Spirit is the great counselor! We pray using the Word of God to bring healing and wholeness.
Come and let Jesus heal you!
Jesus has never turned anyone down for healing!
Please fill out our online intake form and click the submit button before your first prayer appointment.
You Can Fill Out Our Intake Form Right Online!
Do You Need Prayer?
Please send us your prayer request below: